Plastic Surgery

Belizza Clinic, with its experience since 2008, enables our patients to achieve their dreams in the field of plastic surgery. We support all the wishes of our patients in the field of plastic surgery with our experienced team. We fulfill all the wishes of our esteemed guests with our doctors who are specialized in the field of Plastic Surgery. The services we offer to our valuable patients in the field of plastic surgery

Brezzilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a surgery where a doctor transfers fat from your abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs to your buttocks. The result is more of an hourglass-shaped figure, with larger buttocks.


Liposuction, sometimes referred to as "lipo" by patients, slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving your body contours and proportion. There is no lubrication in the places where liposuction is made.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and, in most cases, restores weakened or separated muscles creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.

Arm / Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as a "breast aug" or "boob job" “gummy bear implant” “silicone implants” by patients, involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of your breasts. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape or improve natural breast size asymmetry.

Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. A lot of people have same problems about “sagging breast” , “nipple lift” or “boob lift”

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts (macromastia).


Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.

Face Lift

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the face and neck.

Cat-Eye Surgery

Canthoplasty, also known as cat-eye surgery that can modify the shape and size of the eyes. It reshapes and repositions the upper outer corner of the eye, giving the eye a cat-eye shape, which is considered attractive. Canthoplasty has also been referred to as fox eyes or designer eyes.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids or both.